Select EndNote Cite While You Write (If it is unchecked), and then click OK.Choose COM Add-ins in the Manage drop-down menu, and then click the Go button.Please follow the steps below to enable EndNote tools in COM Add-Ins: Click OK to display the EndNote tab in the Word Ribbon. Click on Customize Ribbon and Check EndNote if it is unchecked.

Click on the File menu and select Options. With Word 2010/2013/2016, the Ribbon tab may also be unchecked. Click/Select any EndNote item(s) and click the Enable button.Choose Disabled Items in the Manage drop-down menu (bottom-left), and then click the Go button.(Word 2007: Office button (top-left) > Word Options > Add-ins) Please see this support article for earlier versions of Word. No checkmark on "Disable all Application Add-ins", and also no checkmarks on the other two options here "Require Application Add-ins." and "Disable notification.". Word: File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Add-ins Please make sure you Word is not set to disable all add-ins. Please make sure you have updated EndNote with the latest updates. Please note that if you have installed EndNote recently and the CWYW is not there/has never been in your Word, please click here for support article about how to enable the EndNote CWYW add-in in your Word. If your EndNote CWYW add-in/toolbar in Word suddenly has gone missing, please follow the steps below to get it back. Click here for our webshop, or email us at info (at)