
Free skype number
Free skype number

Restrictions: if your country's legislation prohibits you from using the service because you have not reached the authorized age limit, because our products are not authorized in your country, or because you are not authorized to conclude this contract in the name of your company (professional customers only), please do not accept the contract. Terms for subscribing to the Skype Number Service: you must be a legal person or a natural person who has reached the age of majority, having full legal capacity, and you must reside in metropolitan France, to which you attest on your honor. In the event that, with your permission, another user might use your user account, it is your responsibility to point out to this user that it is not possible to use the service to handle or make emergency calls. It is your responsibility to purchase, in addition to the service, mobile telephone or traditional landline services that offer access to emergency services. You must make other arrangements to ensure you have access to emergency services.

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There are some notable differences between traditional telephone services and the service.

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No emergency calls: please note that the service cannot be used to make emergency calls to hospitals, police services, medical centers, or any other type of emergency service. Inability to make calls from Skype Number, notably to the emergency services: by accepting this contract, you acknowledge and accept that Skype Number does not replace your landline and cannot be used for making outgoing calls, and notably does not allow you to make calls to emergency services.

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Skype Number General Terms of Sale IMPORTANT – READ CAREFULLY

Free skype number