The formula finally supports M1 macs! Note that prebuilt bottles (= faster install time) are not available since it would require renting an M1 mac. News Dec 4, 2021: M1 support, 1083 installations in 2021! The bottles are uploaded to GitHub Packages. This tap features precompiled binaries (called bottle) built and tested daily This tap aims to bring AMC ( homepage, gitlab) to Homebrew, an alternative to 🍺 Brew formula for auto-multiple-choice 📖īrew install maelvls/amc/auto-multiple-choice 4th, 2018: 1.4.0-rc2 and auto-multiple-choice-devel formula July 5th, 2018: 1.4.0-rc1 May 17th, 2018: try the coming 1.4.0-beta version! March 19th, 2018: Scan detection works again! March 15th, 2018: Fixed: OpenCV breaks scan detection March 14th, 2018: build from source until March 17th Febrary 3rd, 2018: brew update thows 'rebase' errors FAQ Troubleshooting Report issues Maintainance details: vendoring the ~70 Perl dependencies README.md 5th, 2019: opencv4 breaks things fixed ✅ Dec. 27th, 2019: changed my username to maelvls, remove the useless devel version Jan.

19th, 2019: Annotations bug and Pango version Aug. 18th, 2019: Fixed Pango by fixing the version to 1.42.4 Sep.

21th, 2019: Annotate & Bad symbol syntax Nov. 🍺 Brew formula for auto-multiple-choice 📖 News Dec 4, 2021: M1 support, 1083 installations in 2021! June 15, 2021: fixed a regression with GTK, still no support for M1 chip June 12, 2021: support for SMTP over StartTLS and bottles are back! June 3, 2021: added support for M1 chips, Bintray sunset means slower installations July 3, 2020: ⚠️ I don't have enough time to maintain bottles Nov.