
Most recent version of openoffice mac
Most recent version of openoffice mac

We have a full list of which Macs run which versions of Mac OS X and macOS here.

most recent version of openoffice mac

macOS 12: Monterey (Star) – Octo(Latest: 12.5.1).macOS 11: Big Sur (GoldenGate) – Novem(Latest: 11.6.8).OS X 10.9 Mavericks (Cabernet) – Octo(Latest: 10.9.5).OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion (Zinfandel) – J(Latest: 10.8.5).OS X 10.4.4 Tiger (Chardonnay) – Janu(for Intel Macs) (Latest: 10.4.11).OS X 10 beta: Kodiak – September 13, 2000.You’ll find a complete list of the latest release of each version of OS X and macOS, along version code names, along with internal code names (if available): Here’s an overview of every version of macOS and Mac OS X Apple has released.

Most recent version of openoffice mac